You CAN overcome your financial challenges The part of my job that I love the most is witnessing the change in people as they overcome their financial struggles and head off down the road to prosperity. Helping people like yourself with money problems is what I do.
Being able to help people escape the misery of debt and enjoy life is an absolute blessing for me and I just need to do it more…..
But for some people, the shame of their financial woes is so embarrassing that even coming to a budgeting expert for help feels too much to face.
I get it as you would too. Money and how much you, or even your friends have, is generally a taboo topic. And so, we do not talk about our finances with other people. In fact, and I am sure you can relate to this; we hide away, close down, and increase our stress, when all we (and you) need to do is talk to a budgeting specialist.
As a budgeting specialist myself, there is not much I have not heard and I make no judgements. Life is chaotic, and it is not our (or your) fault how life plays out.
Are you a tad too embarrassed to ask for help? Is the thought of sitting down with someone just too much to bear? Now, of course, I can tell you that there’s no need for such “shame”, especially when coming to me for help. I’ve seen it all before. We are all human, and our feelings can be intense at times.
There is no denying that in these instances the solution is there within reach, yet painfully unobtainable at the same time. The problem itself (the debt and the attached shame) is severe enough that it prevents (you) the sufferer from feeling they can seek help.
Do you really need help with your day-to-day finances? Don’t know where to turn? Yes, you do. If you are having sleepless nights, living week-to-week, haven't built up any savings, or even still renting, then you absolutely do.
In fact, over the years I saw this amongst my friends, family, and acquaintances so much that I needed to do something about it. So, after much consideration and planning, I’ve designed a way for people in this situation to seek the help they need without having to experience the negative emotions that come from discussing their finances with someone.
My unique budgeting/spending software is available to anyone and comes with a comprehensive support program. But for those who desire a little anonymity, I can set you up with the software and all the guidance you need via email. I supply tips and tricks, easy-to-understand instructions, lists to refer to, plus videos and the like – you get it all! I call this our DIY PLAN or for that extra help, it's the SUPPORT & GUIDANCE PLAN.
What you need to break the cycle is finally here. This system WORKS!
And of course, if later you decide you do want to speak with one of the experts, the option is there. Support from us is included, but only at your request. There’s no obligation to involve us at all. However, we are only ever just a phone call or a text away.
Interested, but not quite convinced? Please indulge me, and consider the following questions…
Are you lying awake at night stressing over how you are going to cope?
Are you constantly arguing with your partner over the joint finances?
Do you wish you had all the tools you needed at your fingertips – so you could work it all out yourself – without any input from others?
Do all those around you think you are nailing it because you’ve never told anyone?
Are you tired of pretending you’re good at it, while the knot in your stomach never goes away?
…and most importantly, do you know something needs to change, but you don’t feel like you can talk to anyone about it?
If you answered yes to any of these or even all of these, then it's time to get help with your finances.
You need a Spending Plan Whether you are earning a lot or a little, budgeting can help. In fact, we have helped people earning over $230K+ per annum and some that are purely on Centrelink benefits. Amongst the two, one of them consistently saves 10% of their income…. Which one do you reckon it is? If you guessed it’s the high-income earner doing the saving, then think again.
Do you feel better now? There is a solution and we can help.
If you want a Spending Plan that can help you, then please contact us to find out more. We will create a personalised, detailed Spending Plan, just for you! You won’t regret it! You can book in here for a no-obligation chat.
For more information, check out www.spendingmadeeasy.com.au The testimonials speak for themselves…
